Sep 21, 2019

In my 30's

It's 2019 , and here am I
Going through my long lost blog ( which owing to a serendipitous moment, came back to me)

Well, words are eluding me
They just fritter away , playing with a highly rambling mind..

So, after 7 years, what am I bringing here, on this virtual plane of mine ?

In 2012, I was younger. Very , very young,,,to much of a novice about the way's of the world, too idealistic to use an euphemism . Life revolved around studies, friends, wanderings, coffeehouses..seasons in the sun as I would put it.

In 2019 , I am here, before the very same pc , putting down pieces of my mind.

I feel a bit older, after all I have crossed 30.
In my 30's :)

Less idealism, more realism.

Less books, more movies /web series.

Less spirituality, more materialism.

Less interested in random talking, less interested in widening my social circle ( It had always been so, yet more so these days)

And two important additions to my life , my life partner and my little baby  girl  who takes away 24 hours of my life, my mind....

I guess all my forthcoming tales would revolve round them.

May be most  of them( though I wish I could say I have a world outside , a world that runs parallel to what I now have )

I am amazed at how life evolves , how realizations strike and mould a human being changed you are at the end of the day :)

Oct 13, 2012


These days I cramp the spaces between words with those tiny yellow faces that could smile, wink, smirk and dance, like never before ... 

Along with many,

 I have learnt 

Claustrophobia is not just the fear of enclosed spaces..

There is more to it , beyond the spaces closed.

It is the fear of enclosed minds , shallow words....

and empty smiles ...

May 29, 2012


A theatre resembling a rat trap, much bigger …
The air, dark and dismal, speaking of ages..
Some room freshener, emitting an odour so pungent…
Novel headaches promising a night devoid of dreams…
Invisible rats scuttling around …
Phone cameras clicking away those “Kodak moments of ultimate tedium”…

A film so distant…

A smattering of oaths promising each other “never ever repeat this funny mistake “
And the balance sheet of a day foreseeing a big zero..:))

I wonder how on earth an amalgam of these tidbits did talk of something much deeper !!!

Oct 29, 2011


Do we call 

  Migratory Birds ,

All we have
All we long for
Home  ?

Feb 13, 2011


 Today I dream about a RAINBOW family , a confluence of people from all parts of the globe ,a multicultural, multi-ethnic ,multilingual family ,where Idlis and Dosas are served along with Japanese Sushis and Mexican Calabazas, garnished with mashed tomatoes coming all the way from Chile ….:)  we are such stuff as dreams are made on.,right !!

Well, It’s a beautiful dream and I believe dreams can come true..:)
What I am going to tell you now is all about a love-hate relationship I had with many things
- with my looks , with China , with those who took my photographs without my consent (when I was in the ‘babbling’ stage and therefore too feeble to protest) and also with my fantastic friends who would come home ,go through all the old albums and cry at the top of their voices….

“Heyyyy ..… that YOU …!!!!!!!’’ Soooooooo cuteeeee yaaaar….”

Well, this is only the tip of the iceberg and I loved it…but the sentence is not finished yet.Let’s listen to what followed next..

…WOW…..u look like a Chinese kid…really !!!!.....ohhhhhhhhh look at the eyes ,the nose….blah..blah..blah..

This part of the sentence really gets into my nerves, not because I think some race is better than the other or some people are more beautiful than the rest.The fact that they were pointing at some peculiarity that made me seem different used to irk me. Also I failed to associate the adjective ‘cute’ with my so-called Chinese looks. At that time I couldn’t think that anyone can look cute with tiny eyes and frizzy locks and a button nose !! .
To put it simply ,for pure aesthetic reasons ( as my aesthetic sense was conditioned by the Indian notions of beauty ) I disliked the Mongoloid features.
The Chinese features stayed on till 3 or 4 years of age I think .
..enough for me to have a deep rooted resentment against the tiny eyes and the straight fluffy locks which I possessed for a long time until ‘Indianness’ set in sending my so called ‘Chinese looks’ into oblivion.

The story got an interesting turn quite ironically some years back .One of my cousins who lives abroad fell in love - enough to shake the traditional, conservative family !
hmm…that’s not the real problem..there would have been no problem if she had fallen in love with a Tamilian /Punjabi/ Rajasthani / Bengali/ Gujarati , for that matter with any Indian.But the person with whom she fell in love was a True Blue Chinese young man !!!!
Of course, it created a hullabaloo. But she was adamant in her love and they waited for a long time seeking the blessings and consent of her parents .Nothing happened. Finally they got married amidst the protests.
It happened during the fag end of my school days and I was not at all concerned with the questions that ensued,

Was it the right thing for her to do ?
Why did she break her parents' trust ?
Why didn't she marry an Indian ?
Why can't two persons love each other ?

Least enraptured with these questions I found myself wondering -How would they look like together as a Jody! For purely aesthetic reasons I disliked her marrying him .In my eyes she was the epitome of Indian beauty with bright eyes and a sparkling smile .She would remind you of the classy heroines of some offbeat Bollywood movies.

…sigh..marriages are made in heaven :)

She was excommunicated ( is that the word ?)

Slowly the lost ties started reuniting after two kids were born to her– Rohan and Sarla.

And in 2010 she visited her ancestral home in Kerala with them. Again I found myself wondering how they( India meets China ) would look likeI was dying to see them as I haven’t seen their photographs.
Believe me , the moment I met the kids I fell in love with them so that I forgot everything else - the lingering questions, the curiosity , the ambiguities….everything faded away.
Maybe that was the moment a rainbow started splashing its myriad hues all over my horizon. It was like a tree branching out everywhere no matter how deep its roots went.
After a few days’ stay here they left for their home and when good byes ,kisses and blessings ( ah…finally they got that )floated around. I felt a part of my own self being taken away from me.

“How do the children look like?” my friend asked.

“Indian ? Chinese ?

Well, it’s a difficult question to answer.They might have taken deep roots within my subjective self that I fail to think objectively , a matter of the heart winning over the mind !

They are cute, like every other kid..
They are kids…citizens of the world…
Nothing peculiar about

Let such beautiful  rainbows spread across the horizons :)

Was it the right thing for her to do?
How could she break her parents’ trust?
Why can’t two people love each otherWhy didn’t she fell in lo

Nov 14, 2010


Against the sky blue wall of my home

It stood, green and yellow

With promises of luck, gold and love.

Knowing very well it won’t fit in my rational home

I untied the scarlet satin

That held the frail stalks together

Cautiously stripping off its enigma,its aura,its promises.

Found a corner of my green garden apt for

The lucky one, to bury its roots in.

I let it grow....

After all,it’s a plant ,a touch of green

That has to grow under a

Sky that is blue.

Mar 13, 2010

Somebody's song

The blood that flows through me carries
Not just the RBCs ,the WBCs and the platelets
That communicate the happy message that
This person is ‘alive’
(Indeed it’s fascinating to be alive)

You know it carries with it my ‘legacy’,they say

I had ancestors who thought from their brains

I also had ancestors who thought from their hearts

No wonder, I could easily riddle with myself !

Drawing up plans for the future is quite simple a task for me
Because they say,I had a great grandpa
Who charted out
An entire life of his own

Throwing them aside is much more simple a task,I think
Because my great grandma ,the eternal optimist believed in miracles.

In my smiles,they shine
In my tears,they drench

Intelligence(or the lack of it)can come from either side
Quite possible..

They are all dead and gone,you know
The rugged roots that grew deep into the earth
To bring me,the green leaf that sways in the wind,nourishment.

I wonder whether anything is left for me to fill in
Am I to be blamed for my mistakes?
Am I to be congratulated for my merits ?